GenesisL1 blockchain is very enthusiastic community driven project with not for profit purposes. Raspberry Pi will work for own GenesisL1 node. DATA FOR GENESIS L1 BLOCKCHAIN IS SOURCED FROM OPEN ACCESS PUBLIC DOMAIN OR OTHER "FREE" DATABASES, OR PRODUCED BY/WITH OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE, SUCH AS DATA ABOUT MOLECULAR STRUCTURES, OPEN DATASETS FOR PROTEIN AND NUCLEIC ACIDS STRUCTURES PREDICTION AI MODELS TRAINING, SEQUENCES AND OTHER DATA RELATED TO GENERAL BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY, BIOCHEMISTRY, GENOMICS AND PROTEOMICS. GENESISL1 BLOCKCHAIN DOES NOT OPERATE AND DOES NOT STORE ANY DATA RELATED TO HEALTHCARE, GENESISL1 BLOCKCHAIN DOES NOT OPERATE ON AND DOES NOT STORE ANY PERSONAL DATA AT ALL. L1 coin is NOT AN INVESTMENT ASSET, BUT 100% INTERNAL UTILITY COIN OF GENESISL1 BLOCKCHAIN, L1 coin does not represent and does not related to finance, money, defi. GenesisL1 is a scientific project, where blockchain is used for its main features and essences: blockchain is a database, in case of GenesisL1 - blockchain is a scientific database and efficient Turing complete EVM to compute on top of preserved data. Its related to "in silico" methods of research, bioinformatics, machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI) and Virtual Reality. L1 coin is the main and core utility coin, with a wide range of core utilities that power GenesisL1 blockchain. GenesisL1 is open source and highly experimental project. All GenesisL1 blockchain software and data may have errors, bugs, imperfections and faults, NO WARRANTY IN GENESIS L1 OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE AND ANYTHING RELATED TO GENESISL1! ANYONE CAN JOIN TO IMPROVE! GENESISL1 project MAIN REPOSITORIES DOES NOT PROVIDE BINARIES BUT SOURCE CODES! All L1 coin initial supply was/is gifted, to the people. Major amount of L1 coins stored in GenesisL1 community_pool and by project nature should be given (after passing democratic proposals and voting) to various projects buildig dapps (Science and Art) on GenesisL1 blockchain, and scientific groups, institutions and individuals who use GenesisL1 for declared purposes. 1L1 = 1L1, L1 coin is eco friendly because of Tendermint consensus and recyclable via dapps usage.